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What are the use of Writing Effective Course Outcomes?

Post the Advent of National Educational Policy 2020, Mandatory Accreditation and Implementation of Outcome Based Education, many are wondering - Equally Students and Faculties, what are the use of Writing Effective Course Outcomes?

If Course Outcomes are framed properly they will have huge impacts on overall graduate Attributes.

Course Outcomes identify what students should know or be able to do at the end of an instructional unit.

These desired results should influence the choice of topics, how much content to include, and the sequencing of those topics.

Course Outcomes describe the knowledge and skills we want students to gain from our instruction. In addition to letting students know what they must do to successfully complete your course, Course Outcomes are used to:

1. Communicate our intentions clearly to students and to colleagues.

2. Provide a framework for selecting and organizing course content.

3. Guide decisions about assessment and evaluation methods.

4. Provide a framework for selecting appropriate teaching and learning activities.

5. Give students information for directing their learning efforts and monitoring their own progress.

More on this in my upcoming posts.


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