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Unlocking Academic Excellence: A Guide to Writing Scientifically Robust Course Outcomes

Course Outcomes (CO) are specific and measurable statements that describe what a student will be able to do upon completion of a course. They are designed to align with the program outcomes and to ensure that the course is contributing to the overall goals of the program. COs are typically written in terms of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students will gain because of taking the course.

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COs should be specific and measurable, meaning that it should be clear what the student will be able to do because of completing the course, and how this will be measured. COs are typically written at a level of detail that is more specific than program outcomes and should be aligned with the overall goals of the program. They should also be developed with consideration of the needs of stakeholders such as employers, accreditation bodies, and other interested parties.

COs are usually developed by the course instructor in collaboration with the program faculty and other stakeholders, such as employers or industry professionals. They should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that they remain relevant and aligned with the changing needs of the program and the industry.

CO - PO Mapping
Course Outcomes (CO): Bridging Learning with Program Goals (Image by Deepesh Divaakaran)

The diagram illustrates the role of Course Outcomes (CO) in connecting individual courses with the overall goals of the program. COs are specific and measurable statements that describe what students will be able to do upon completing a course. They serve as a bridge between course-level learning and program-level objectives.

COs are aligned with the program outcomes to ensure that each course contributes to the overarching goals of the program. They are designed to specify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students will acquire because of taking the course. COs are written with clarity, indicating what students will be able to do and how their achievements will be measured.

Course instructors, in collaboration with program faculty and stakeholders such as employers or industry professionals, develop COs. These outcomes are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure their relevance and alignment with the evolving needs of the program and the industry.

Overall, the use of course outcomes reflect a broader shift towards a more student-centered and outcomes-focused approach to education, in which the emphasis is on defining and measuring specific learning objectives and ensuring that students can demonstrate mastery of key concepts and skills.

Writing Effective and scientific Course Outcomes

Outcome-based education is a student-centered approach to teaching and learning that focuses on achieving specific learning outcomes. Course outcomes are the building blocks of outcome-based education that provide a clear understanding of what students are expected to learn and achieve in a particular course. It helps faculty members and syllabus creators to develop measurable and quantifiable learning objectives for students. An effective course outcome enables students to achieve desired learning outcomes, and it also helps faculty members to measure student performance accurately. In this context, it is important to understand the process of creating course outcomes. In this section, we will discuss the step-by-step process of creating effective course outcomes.

The approach which I devised which I call it as Modular Outcome Based Framework (MOBF), as per my experience in training thousands of faculties, mentioned for creating effective course outcomes is scientific, quantifiable, replicable, and easy to implement in a university or college. It provides a step-by-step process for faculty and syllabus creators to develop measurable and quantifiable learning objectives for students.

Modular Outcome Based Framework (MOBF)

Modular Outcome Based Framework (MOBF) is a method created to help faculty and syllabus creators in designing effective course outcomes. The MOBF approach emphasizes the importance of breaking down the syllabus into modules and then breaking each module into teachable topics.

This process enables the faculty to create a detailed lesson plan that includes columns such as Sr. No, Topic Name, Module Number, No of Hours Required, Pedagogy Type, Cognition, Knowledge Type, Mapped to Which CO, Assessment Planned (if any), Assessment Type, and Actual Hours Taken. By focusing on each module, MOBF ensures that each course outcome is clear, specific, measurable, and attainable. MOBF approach makes the entire process of designing course outcomes more scientific, quantifiable, replicable, and easy to implement in a university or college.

This approach is a valuable tool for educators looking to improve their teaching practices and create effective learning outcomes.

Modular Outcome Based Framework (MOBF): Designing Effective Course Outcomes
Modular Outcome Based Framework (MOBF): Designing Effective Course Outcomes (Image By Deepesh Divaakaran)

Let’s look the steps you need to implement:

Creating effective course outcomes is a crucial aspect of outcome-based education. It enables faculty and syllabus creators to develop measurable and quantifiable learning objectives for students. There are ten steps to create effective course outcomes:

Step 1: Review the Syllabus

Step 2: Break Down the Syllabus into Modules

Step 3: Break Down Each Module into Teachable Topics

Step 4: Create a Lesson Plan Based on the Defined Topics

Step 5: Ensure the Lesson Plan Contains the Following Columns

Sr No, Topic Name, Module Number, No of Hours Required, Pedagogy Type, Cognition, Knowledge Type, Mapped to Which CO, Assessment Planned, Assessment Type, Actual Hours Taken

Step 6: Create One Course Outcome per Module

Step 7: Determine the Highest Cognition

Step 8: Determine the Highest Knowledge Type

Step 9: Combine the Highest Cognition and Knowledge Type

Step 10: Repeat Steps 6-9 for Each Module

In my book, ‘Outcome based Education: A Practical Guide for Higher Education Teachers’ I have explained the above process of creation of Course Outcome in detail. Grab you copy today for more in depth explanation with real time examples.


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