Manipulative people can be challenging to spot. They are often adept at concealing their motives, making their actions seem harmless or even well-intentioned. However, recognizing the signs of manipulative behaviour is crucial for protecting your mental and emotional health. In this post, we'll explore 11 common signs that suggest a person may have a manipulative personality.

1. Frequent Lying Manipulative individuals often lie or stretch the truth. They may weave intricate tales or exaggerate circumstances to make their stories more compelling or to gain sympathy.
2. Gaslighting This term refers to a manipulative technique where the manipulator tries to make you doubt your own perceptions, memories, or judgment. If someone is consistently undermining your reality or insisting that events didn't happen the way you remember, you could be experiencing gaslighting.
3. Guilting Manipulative people are experts at making others feel guilty for not meeting their expectations. They can quickly turn a situation around to make you feel like the one at fault.
4. Ignoring or Invalidating Your Feelings When people consistently dismiss your emotions or make you feel like your feelings don't matter, they may be manipulating you. In a healthy relationship, your feelings should be acknowledged and respected.
5. Constant Criticism Constant criticism can make you feel insecure and more willing to comply with the manipulator's desires to gain their approval. This tactic can slowly erode your self-esteem, making you more vulnerable to manipulation.
6. Withholding Information or Affection Manipulative individuals may withhold vital information or affection to control or influence your behaviors. If someone frequently holds back information or shows affection only when it suits them, they may be manipulating you.
7. Playing the Victim Manipulators often portray themselves as the victim, regardless of the circumstances. By eliciting sympathy, they can control others and divert attention away from their manipulative behavior.
8. Creating a Sense of Urgency A manipulator may push you to make decisions quickly, without giving you time to think. This sense of urgency can make you more likely to comply with their requests or decisions.
9. Never Taking Responsibility Manipulators often deflect blame onto others, refusing to take responsibility for their own actions. If someone always seems to find a way to blame others for their failures or mistakes, they may be exhibiting manipulative behavior.
10. Divide and Conquer Manipulative people may attempt to sow discord among peers or colleagues to maintain control or create situations that work to their advantage.
11. Using Flattery Flattery can be a powerful tool for manipulation. A manipulative person may shower you with compliments to win you over, paving the way for future manipulation.
Recognizing these signs is the first step in dealing with manipulation. Trust your intuition. If you often feel uncomfortable or drained after interacting with a particular person, these could be signs of manipulation. Always remember to maintain healthy boundaries and seek professional help if you're dealing with a manipulative individual.